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We'd bribe you to stay if the lawyers would let us. And lawyers being, well, lawyerly, we're forced to come up with something to keep you entertained, entranced, and otherwise keep you here, on our site, even if you happen to be a lawyer.

Is it half-empty? Half-full? If you ask us, those are the wrong questions to be asking. Does it taste good? Is it cold? Can we get a refill? That's more like it.

Take a look at what we do, think about what you need, space out for a bit, and then shoot us an email or give us a call. We're very nice (and sometimes even a bit witty) on the phone.



(c) 2006 j. kerper group All images contained on this site are copyrighted. Any usage without written permission from Joseph E. Kerper is not nice. It is also illegal.